Image of a runner running down a hillside
Image of two cyclists chatting while cycling

Who are Zuvolo?

We are a small team here at Zuvolo and we refer to ourselves as ‘The Zuvolati’ - pronounced zoo-vo-lah-tee.

We’re everyday people, just like you. We developed this app because we are passionate about cycling, hiking and outdoor activities, and we love tech. We originally created an app to herd cyclists every weekend, because nothing else worked that well.

We are a bunch of techy guys working on this in our spare time. Some of us have other day jobs too. We know how to build good tech and we believe we now have an app that has lots of potential.

Our ultimate goal is to build a platform that will work for individuals, clubs, organisers and like-minded cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts. We want to make your life just that little bit easier.