Get ready to start using Zuvolo. Connect with friends and start sharing your location. Or create events and activities, share registration codes, and monitor with ease using our web control room.

GetTING Started

1. Create Account

Image of mobile app Zuvolo Sign on screen

Ensure that you and your friends download the app and create an account.

2. Send Friend Requests

Image of Zuvolo mobile app "Add Friends" screen

Once you are signed in, select the “Friends” tab. Search for friends and send them a friend request.

3. Accept Friend Requests

Image of Zuvolo mobile app screen showing buttons for declining or accepting a friend request

Accept friend requests that have been sent to you.


1. Select Yellow START Button

Image of Zuvolo mobile app yellow Start button

The yellow “Start” button is where all activities can be started.

2. Choose Activity Type

Image of Zuvolo mobile app start button action sheet

Select the “Share location with friends” option from the action sheet.

3. Confirm Permissions

Image of Zuvolo mobile app location permissions options

This will appear the first time you attempt location sharing. Zuvolo will always require this permission to be set to “allowed”.

4. Target Your Location Sharing

Image of Zuvolo mobile app screen showing location sharing targets

You can decide exactly which friends will be able to see you on the map.

5. Select “Start Activity”

Image of Zuvolo mobile app screen showing the Start Activity button

Location sharing will now commence.

6. You’re On The Map!

Your friends will now be able to see you on the map, and you will be able to see any friends that are sharing their location with you.

creating Events & ACTIVITIES

Important: The Zuvolo portal is designed to be used on a desktop computer and not on a mobile phone device.

PART I: Creating an Event

1. Sign In To The Portal

Image of Zuvolo web portal login screen

You can use the same account that you use for your app. Or register on the portal first.

2. Select “Add Event”

Image of Zuvolo web portal screen showing the Add Event button

Then enter a name (mandatory) and a description (optional), followed by the correct dates for your event.

3. Upload a GPX

Image of Zuvolo web portal screen showing the Upload GPX button

Ensure you have already created your GPX route using another application. After selecting the “Upload GPX” button, choose your file and upload it into Zuvolo.

4. Select “Create Event”

Finish off by selecting the “Create Event” button. You will now have an event with a route. You are now ready to add some Event Markers.


1. Route Appears

Image of Zuvolo web portal screen showing the map after the GPX has been uploaded

After creating the event, the map appears with your route. Start planning where your markers will be located.

2. Mandatory: Add Start & Finish

Image of Zuvolo web portal screen showing the Add Marker pop-up

Zoom in and right-click to start adding a marker.

First, add your “Start” and “Finish” markers to the map. This is mandatory.

3. Confirm Start & Finish

In the list below the map, select the “Start” and “Finish” markers and SAVE.

4. Optional: Add More Markers

Zuvolo allows for different marker types. E.g., for a landmark, cafe, food location, climbs, restrooms, checkpoints and waypoints.

Save and Return to Manage Event.

PART III: inviting participants

1. Select “Registration Codes”

After successfully adding all your event markers, return to the “Edit Event” screen. Select the “Registration Codes” button.

Zuvolo will automatically have created two registration codes.

2. Reusable Event Code For Participants

Share the Reusable Event Registration Code with all participants.

Ideal for sharing with friends, clubs, and events with no fee.

All participants that register with this code will appear on the Event Map at the time of the event.

3. Reusable Event Code For Staff

Share the Reusable Event Staff Code for all staff involved with an event.

Ideal for sharing with staff such as stewards, marshals, photographers, etc…,

All staff that that register with this code will NOT appear on the Event Map at the time of the event, but will have visibility of all other participants.

4. Unique Registration Codes

Ideal for events and activities where there is participant fee for entry. Each participant will be assigned their own code.

Select the “Add Unassigned Codes” button to generate as many of these codes as is needed.

Once a participant has registered with this code, it can not be used by any other participant.


1. Option A - Register Before Sign-In

Image of mobile app Zuvolo Sign on screen

Select “Register For Event” followed either by signing in with an existing account, or creating a new one. Ideal for participants that have just downloaded the app for the first time.

2. Option B - Register After Sign-in

Image of mobile app Zuvolo home screen with the "Register for event with code" button

After successfully signing in, select the “Register For Event With Code” button

3. Enter Registration Code

Image of mobile app Zuvolo screen with the "register code" pop-up

Select the “Submit” button to complete the registration process.

4. Event List Updates

If the code is valid, the registration will be successful. The event will appear in the Event List.


1. Select Yellow Start Button

Image of Zuvolo mobile app start button action sheet

Select the yellow START button followed by the “Start or Continue” event option.

2. Choose Your Event

Image of Zuvolo mobile app list of events that can be started or continued

A list of events will appear. Choose the event you wish to start (or continue).

3. Event Mode Starts

Image of Zuvolo mobile app showing the map in Event Mode

You are now in the event and you will be sharing your location with the organiser ands other participants. Your friends will appear on the map with their initials. Other participants will display as anonymous blue dots. The yellow Start button changes to a red Stop button.

4. Retiring From Or Finishing An Event

Image of Zuvolo mobile app red stop button

Select the red STOP button and choose to Retire or Finish.

Choose to Finish if you have in fact reached the Finish location. Choose to Retire if you had to exit the event before reaching the finish.

You will stop sharing your location with the organiser.


1. View The Map

Image of Zuvolo mobile app showing the map in Event Mode

Select the “Location” tab to see the map. The banner at the top of the map will show that you are in Event Mode.

2. Friends Display With Initials

Image of Zuvolo mobile app showing the map and the location of friends on the route

If your friends are in the event they will appear with initials on a blue icon.

3. Non-friends Are Anonymous

Image of Zuvolo mobile app showing the map and the location of non-friend participants on the route

All other participants will remain anonymous and appear as blue dots.

4. Friends Quick Search

Image of Zuvolo mobile app showing the quick search list for friends that are sharing their location with you

To find Friends in an event, on the map select the black arrow to the left of the map. The number in the arrow shows how many friends are in the event. Tap on the arrow to see a list. Tap on any friend in that list to quickly find their location on the map.

5. Connection Issues

If a friend has not sent a location update for more than 1 minute, they will appear grey on your map at their last known location. As soon as they can send location updates, they will change back to blue on your map at their current location.


Important: The Zuvolo portal is designed to be used on a desktop computer and not on a mobile phone device.

1. The WEB Control Room

Image of the Zuvolo web portal Events list and the Event Control Room icon

Using the web portal, from your Events list select the “Event Control Room” icon. A map will display, with the route, the list of participants, and a status dashboard.

2. The Participant List

Image of the Zuvolo web portal participant list on the control room screen

The list displays the names of participants, their duration in the event, and battery status.

Blue icons denote active participants. White icons are participants yet to start. Grey icons denote participants with connection issues.

Black icons denote participants that have retired. Green icons denote participants that have finished.

3. The Dashboard

The dashboard provides an instant view of the status of all participants in the event. Tapping on any of these numbers on the dashboard will automatically filter the participant list accordingly.

4. The Map

Image of the Zuvolo web portal control room map showing the route, markers, and participants

The map shows the entire route and the locations of all participants and event markers.

Tapping on a name in the participant list will zoom in on the location of that user on the map.


Watch a video showing how quick and simple it is to create an event that is ready for sharing.