The idea behind Zuvolo all stemmed from our incurable cycling habit. We pondered all sorts of ideas about how cyclists could have a dedicated app that would help organise rides, track everyone who was riding and, quite importantly, keep people safe when they were out on the road. 

Over time, we set up regular, informal rides from home and work and gradually found that the groups were getting bigger and bigger. It was around this time that the idea for a simple, pre-ride and in-ride experience was born. Plenty of apps do a great job of plotting routes and showing you your ride in detail after the event but we wanted to have something that would help us before the ride (organising times and meeting points, coffee stops, etc…) and something during the ride (waypoints, points of interest, location of your riding buddies and knowing when someone needed help). 

So began the painstaking process of designing and building our first (and very crude) prototype. After a while, we put together a really great team, to help build version 2 and 3 and so on. The team all originate from the technology industry and we have successfully created an app that has been used by adventure cycling companies, local festivals, and charity fund raisers. It didn’t take us long to see that Zuvolo had many more applications than just cycling.

Naturally we have to sift through many of these ideas and come up with new features to support them but, initially, we are focussed mainly on cyclists, hikers, runners, and indeed anyone who likes to get out into the great outdoors for pleasure and exercise. Whether you ride or walk solo and want a loved one to keep an eye on you, or whether you ride or hike in groups and want to meet up and keep together – Zuvolo is the app that can do all that for you. And we hope it’s going to go on to fulfil many more roles in our daily lives. 

We have been testing the app in its various stages of development for hours and days and weeks and months all around the UK, across the Alps, Pyrenees, and the Picos mountains of Spain, from Calais to Amsterdam, Alpe d’Huez to Mont Ventoux, and as far as California and Seattle, and almost every weekend to every coffee stop within 60 miles of where we all live. So far so good! 

As far as the future is concerned, we want Zuvolo to be the app of choice for all clubs, groups and organisations that want the best value for money tracking experience for their participants.

Oh, where did the name come from? Well, it’s a small province in Italy, nestling in the Dolomites. To be honest, we found that out after we’d made up the name…quite apposite really.