Frequently askED questions (FAQs)

  • It was an app we created to solve the problem of monitoring where a group of friends were located while they travelled from all directions to meet up at a number of different meeting points.

    We built the app to make it easy to add the meeting locations and cafe stops using Markers on the map.

    Using the phone location services, we were able to monitor each other’s locations in almost real-time. Now, the group never leave home without starting Zuvolo.

  • It is an app that allows you to connect with friends and then share your location with them.

    Recently it has evolved to also become the app that participants can use in events to share their location with organisers, staff, other participants, and also with friends and family.

  • No need for expensive tracking technology - of course, there will always be some organisers that will rely on expensive technology. But for many other organisers the costs are prohibitive, and the technology is unnecessary. Zuvolo offers you an alternative to satellite trackers, or groups of staff using short wave radios. Most participants have a phone, and we use phone technology to monitor the location of participants in an event or activity. Even staff, as well as friends and family, can use Zuvolo to achieve this.

    Easy and quick to create and monitor events and activities using our WEB portal - Super quick to create and manage events. Within minutes you can create an event and send details to register for it.

    Location Sharing is accurate and almost real-time - Zuvolo will share your location every 10s or so ensuring that others can see you at your most recent location.

    We have a great user interface - it’s crisp and clear and easy to see where you are located, and we use colour schemes to denote when a location update has not been recently received, or if you have requested help.

  • It’s simple. If you are sharing your location with friends and family, then they (and only they) will be able to see you on the map as long as they are using the Zuvolo app too. Zuvolo will update your position every 10s or so.

    You will appear on the map as a blue icon with your initials in it. Blue is the colour we use for anyone that is successfully sharing their location.

    If you are in an event, then the organisers will also see your location using the Zuvolo WEB Control Room which is a map with all the participants on it.

  • Zuvolo will work on both iPhone and Android smartphones only.

  • Like all location sharing apps, your phone will need access to the phone mobile/cell network. The phone simply sends its location to our services in the cloud, which in turn is then transmitted to whoever you are sharing your location with.

  • No problems. If there is no phone signal, then those that you are sharing with, will see you turn grey on the map. Grey is the colour we use for users that have not been “seen” for over a minute. So if you are sharing your location with an organiser, or with friends and family, then they will see you on the map but as a grey icon at your last known location.

    But, as soon as your phone finds a signal, your location updates will resume automatically and be successfully updated to everyone that is monitoring your progress.

    Your icon on the map will change from grey back to blue and will appear at your current location. Blue is the colour we use for users that are actively sharing their location successfully.

  • An organiser can be anyone that needs to monitor or track the location of their participants. Examples include some of the following:

    - A company organising outdoor events for cyclists, runners and hikers.

    - A company that organises outdoor multi-day holidays with or without guides.

    - Clubs of cyclists, hikers or runners.

    - Charity organisations that organise fund raising outdoor events.

    - Groups of friends that simply need meetup.

  • A common question. In Zuvolo we let you connect with Friends. When you start sharing your location, you can choose exactly which friends will be able to see your location. You will appear to friends as a blue circular icon with your initials in it. Nobody else will or can see you unless you choose to let them see you.

    if you have started sharing your location in an event, the event organiser will also be able see your location. But other participants in the event (who are not known to you) will not be able to identify you in any way. You will appear as a blue dot. Your initials will not be displayed.

  • Any app that is running on your phone will use battery. There is a common misconception that location sharing apps adversely drain batteries. This is not true.

    When you are using Zuvolo, you can run it in the background while the device is locked. The app will only be sending location updates during this time. Zuvolo will behave like any other app that shares location information in the background. We are actively looking at ways to give users more control as to how often to send updates, in order to minimise the amount of background activity.

    Main causes of battery drain are:

    Leaving your screen displayed - The amount of battery required to display your screen will result in battery drain no matter which app you are looking at.

    Older phones - they tend to have smaller batteries with less capacity. Therefore they run out more quickly and sooner than newer phones that have much larger batteries that could last for several hours.

    Connected devices - if you have other devices connected to your phone via Bluetooth for example, then this will add to your battery drain.

  • Yes. Each user can create their own personal markers, to mark favourite or important locations. Currently we support markers for landmarks, waypoints, cafes, etc…

    Event Organisers can also add important event markers for their event. These can include waypoints, checkpoints, restrooms, food locations, etc…

    During an event, all markers will be called-out to you as you approach them.

  • When an event organiser has created their event, they will be able to provide you with a registration code.

    Simply select the “Register for Event” button and enter the code, and the event will appear in your Events list.

    Depending on the event, the code may be unique to you, or it may be a public code that anyone can use.

    An organiser can also distribute registration codes for staff, who will use Zuvolo to monitor the progress of an event, but won’t themselves appear on the Zuvolo map as a participant.

  • When you are in Event-Mode, we allow you to use a HELP button. When you select this button, you can change your status to reflect that you have a serious request for help, or whether you have a minor need for help.

    When you select the serious help option, your icon will change on the map from Blue to Red. The event organiser will immediately see this as long as you have a internet connection at the time.

    if you select the minor help option, then you will change on the map from Blue to Amber instead.